Vijay Sethupathi Maharaja Movie Review: Compelling Performances Undermined by Convenient Writing

“Maharaja”, directed by Nithilan Swaminathan is a revenge drama with the best of intentions that tries to focus on a significant and potent theme. However, there are the aspects of the convenient writing and the inability to achieve the correct proportion of violence in the movie. “Maharaja” hit theaters on 14 June, 2024 and produced mixed reactions from audiences. Below, you will find our detailed Vijay Sethupathi Maharaja Movie Review.

Vijay Sethupathi Maharaja Movie
Vijay Sethupathi Maharaja Movie

Image source: INDIATODAY

Vijay Sethupathi Maharaja Movie Cast

It has a star-studded cast with Vijay Sethupathi in the lead cast playing aged Maharaja and he has done a really good job. On the other hand, Anurag Kashyap could not create a lasting impact mainly because of lip sync issues that water down the intensity of his acting. Sachana Nemidas, although has not much acting time on the big screen, looks convincing.

Maharaja Movie Plot

The whole plot of the story is based on Maharaja who resides with his daughter Jothi played by Sachana Nemidas. Lakshmi, an old rusted iron dustbin that holds a sentimental value for Maharaja and Jothi goes missing, Maharaja reports the case to the police station. However, his complaint is disregarded.

As with Maharaja’s story, the film presents the character of Selvam (Anurag Kashyap), a sick man with a small companion who sneaks into deserted houses in order to rob and rape women.
In the course of the film, it is revealed that there is a lot more to the story of Lakshmi and Maharaja than one can imagine.

A Disjointed First Half

The first half of “Maharaja” follows a non-linear method of narration and depicts several narratives in sequence. Though it is fragmented, this structure keeps the audience interested by raising questions about Vijay Sethupathi’s character and his intentions.

Convenient Writing Choices Undermine the Second Half

In the second half of the film, the various strands come together but the build-up is problematic in terms of plot contrivance where viewers are asked to make many leaps of faith. While the film might have aimed at touching the emotions of the viewers with carefully staged twists and explicit brutality, it fails to draw the line when it comes to sensitive issues.

Missed Opportunities and Tonal Imbalance

While the director’s intentions may have been noble, “Maharaja” struggles to find the right balance between exploring its subject matter and maintaining narrative integrity. The film relies too heavily on dark humor that often misses the mark, further undermining the gravity of the themes it explores.


Despite compelling performances, particularly from Vijay Sethupathi, and a promising premise, “Maharaja” falters in its execution. The convenient writing choices and tonal imbalances overshadow the film’s strengths, leaving audiences with a mixed reaction to a project that had the potential to delve deeper into its sensitive subject matter with more nuance and care.


Q1: What is the movie “Maharaja” about? 

“Maharaja” is a revenge drama that explores a sensitive subject matter. It revolves around an aged father, Maharaja (played by Vijay Sethupathi), who files a complaint with the police after a rusted iron dustbin named “Lakshmi,” which holds emotional value for him and his daughter, goes missing.

Q2: What are the main criticisms of the movie? 

The review criticizes the film for its convenient writing choices, especially in the second half, which require the audience to make numerous assumptions. It also points out that the film crosses a line in its depiction of violence and sensitive subject matter through orchestrated twists. 

Q3: How is Anurag Kashyap’s performance received? 

The review states that Anurag Kashyap’s performance is affected by noticeable lip-sync issues, which dilute the seriousness of his portrayal as Selvam.

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