Here Trailer: Tom Hanks and Robin Wright Reunite in Time-Spanning Drama ‘Here’ Directed by Robert Zemeckis

The official trailer for one of the most anticipated movies of the year “Here” by the director Robert Zemeckis is out, showing a visually rich and touching exploration of time. This exciting dramatic film features Tom Hanks and Robin Wright and is set to enthrall the audience through its outstanding cast and unconventional plot.

Here Movie: A Unique Cinematic Experience

“Here” uses an innovative approach of filming where the camera is static while time moves around it. Thus, the audience is offered an opportunity to observe the evolution of the centuries, millennia within the framework of one place. This can be seen in the trailer as they give a hint of what the audience is to expect of the film and the unconventional flow of the plot.

Reuniting Forrest Gump’s Beloved Duo

The film represents a successful collaboration of Hanks and Wright, who previously worked in the 1994 picture “Forrest Gump”, directed by Zemeckis. Audiences who enjoyed the chemistry between the leads will be glad to see them back together as two people living in one house and experiencing their love story.

Cutting-Edge De-aging Technology

A rather remarkable feature of the “Here” trailer is the utilization of digital de-aging technology. Hanks and Wright play the characters at different stages of their lives, and the switch between the stages seems perfectly natural. Despite mixed feelings in the recent years toward de-aging effects, however, what was seen in the trailer appears to be convincing and emotionally appealing.

Themes of Time, Life, and Love

It is important to point out that the issues discussed in the trailer of “Here” address some of the most important aspects of existence. Over a period of time what is captured is “joy, hope, loss, love” which implies that life events happen in one room, strengthening the theme of the experience. Such emphasis on the human experience guarantees a thought-provoking and emotional movie experience.

“Here” Has a Star-Studded Cast

Here Cast
Here Cast

Image source: THEHINDU

Asides Hanks and Wright, “Here” features other remarkable actors such as Kelly Reilly, Michelle Dockery, Paul Bettany among others. It enriches the idea of the show: those actors are probably playing characters from different generations living in this house.

Zemeckis’ Return to Form?

For director Robert Zemeckis, “Here” may be the next shot at critical favorite status. Even though his most recent movies have been met with mild criticisms, this idea and working with Hanks again imply a project that would bring him back to form. The basic story and look of the movie suggest that the film will not be afraid to take chances creatively, which could yield big rewards.

When will “Here” Appear in Cinema Theaters?

“Here” is planned for a theatrical release in November which means moviegoers have something to expect during the upcoming Fall movie season. Looking at the themes of time, family, and people within the single setting, the viewer can expect a movie that does not belong to the usually traditional and relatively predictable Hollywood genre perspective.


The trailer for “Here” presents the audience with a visually beautiful and heartwarming experience of traveling through time with Tom Hanks and Robin Wright under the direction by Robert Zemeckis. With its unconventional narrative style, top-notch cast, and topics appealing to people of all ages, “Here” is set to become one of the most-discussed movies of the year. People would undoubtedly eagerly await this one of a kind and daring spectacle as November approaches.


Q1: When will “Here” be released in theaters? 

A: “Here” is scheduled for release in November, though an exact date has not been specified.

Q2: What is the main concept of “Here”? 

A: The film explores multiple generations of families living in the same place, with the camera remaining stationary while time passes around it.

Q3: What makes the cinematography of “Here” unique? 

A: The camera remains in a fixed position while time passes, allowing viewers to see changes in one location over extended periods. 

Q4: How recent are Robert Zemeckis’s last critically acclaimed films? 

A: The information suggests that Zemeckis’s recent films have received mixed reviews, with “Here” potentially marking a return to form.